ProbabilityDrum ensemble for Native Instrument Reaktor 5.9

ProbabilityDrum is a sample based rhythm composer for reaktor 5.9

There are 8 sounds plus global accent and 16 step sequencer.

Every step in the sequence has a slide for the probability for playing the sound.

It has 512 audio samples 72MB. The sounds are taken from vintage synth, drumboxes and other soundsources.

Enjoy...                      Poul Vestergaard,  december 2013.


ProbabilityDrum    72MB    (33MB zip)


ProbabilityDrum mp3 demo




ProbabilityDrum is a sample based rhythm composer for reaktor 5.9
There are 8 sounds plus global accent and 16 step sequencer.
Every step in the sequence has a slide for the probability for playing the sound.
100% will play the sound every time.
0% will not play the sound.
50% will have the probability of 50% for playing the sound.

closed hihat
open hat

it has 512 audio samples 72MB. The sounds are taken from vintage synth, drumboxes and other soundsources.

probabilityDrum will receive midi note on at all 8 pads, but thats only if it's used as soundmodule.
probabilityDrum will send midi notes from its rhythmgenerator.
it will synchronize to midisongposition.

probabilityDrum has 5 effect unit.
tempo-delay, reverb, compressor, exciter and a modwheel controlled lowpass filter.

haiku specifications..............................................................................................................................

512 audio samples
8 pads
accent track
random sample select button
random pitch select button +/- 1 octave
reset pitch button
modwheel lowpass filter
global pitchbend
tempo delay
freeze effect
grainslice effect
slice modulation effect

haiku midi..........................................................................................................................................

pads by noteon for all 8 pads
midi in note 36,38,39,40,41,42,43 and 45
midi output from step sequencer note 36,38,39,40,41,42,43 and 45
sync to seq
freeze effect on  C3 note60
loop on controller 2
spin on controller 3
spin time on controller 4
jitter on controller 5

grainslice effect on D3 note62
slice a on controller 6
slice b on controller 7
lenght on controller 8
lenght mod on controller 9
random x on controller 10
random y on controller 11
slide on controller 12
slide mod on controller 13
asym on controller 14
decay on controller 15

slice modulation on E3 note64
slice a on controller 16
slice b on controller 17
sncvar on controller 18
rev a on controller 19
rev b on controller 20

haiku manual......................................................................................................................................

Every step in the sequence has a slide for the probability for playing the sound.
100% will play the sound every time.
0% will not play the sound.
50% will have the probability of 50% for playing the sound.

force all pads changes samples for all 8 pads
find your flavor of soundset with force all pads
or select sound for each pad then edit each sound
random pads change all pads random
random pitch change all pitch random +- 1 octave
pitch reset will reset pitch for all pads.
each step in the sequencer has a probability slider from 0 to 1 (0-100%) in 10% steps.
rnd will generate 16 random probability slider values for a track

remember to save snapshot
snapshot is total recall of sounds and rhythm


december 2013
poul vestergaard